Spring Fever – Ways to Boost Employee Morale

We made it through the winter! The sun is shining more often, the weather is getting nicer, and hopefully people have a bit more “spring” in their step! After the winter we’ve had (at least here in Ohio), on top of the pandemic, it seems like everyone is feeling a bit...

Negotiating Your Value

As women, many of us have no trouble advocating for others. Why then, do so many of us have such a hard time when it comes to advocating for ourselves? And why is this particularly true when it comes to negotiating our value? When I ask the women whom I coach why they...

Why Job Titles Matter

Does your job title really matter? I get this question quite a bit from the attendees at my trainings across the country. My answer: In the vast majority of cases, your job title most definitely matters. Let me tell you a story about a coaching client that illustrates...

The Light

“The light in me sees the light in you.” If you are at all familiar with yoga, you know this is what the word “Namaste” means. I have been thinking about this word and this phrase a lot lately. First of all, how cool is it that one word can contain such a beautiful...